Memorial Day

I want to take a moment and remember what Memorial Day is and why we celebrate.

Memorial Day History:

Memorial Day was started after the Civil War and only became an official federal holiday in 1971. It was originally known as Decoration Day. To begin with only the soldiers from the Civil War were remembered. When we became embroiled in World War 1 and so many lives were lost there, decoration day expanded to include all soldiers who had died in wars.

Memorial Day Traditions:

Like so many of you probably did, we enjoyed the weekend with friends and family with a barbecue. Many towns have parades and celebration parties. While the holiday began to remember the soldiers lost in war, it has expanded to include remembering all those who have gone before us. We visit graves and place flowers, flags and other tokens to acknowledge the loss of a significant person, celebrate their lives and remember fond memories.

Memorial Day versus Veterans Day:

What’s the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? Memorial Day is to remember those that have gone on before us. Veterans Day is a day where we thank the veterans still with us for their bravery, honor and courage. We thank them for giving what they have/are giving so that we can have everything we have. While it’s never inappropriate to thank someone for serving their country, Memorial Day is to remember those not with us.

Memorial Day is also the unofficially launching of summer. As we start the craziness that is summer break, I hope you had an amazing weekend and had some rest, relaxation and time to honor those that have passed. I’m not a history person, but do think it’s important to remember and recognize why we have the holidays we have. What did you do for the three day weekend?

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~Matt & Kelsey