2023-The Start of Not Giving a Damn

When I started this page, the intention was to make at least a little bit of money by blogging. I hired a coach, I worked hard on SEO, I tried taking quality photos (this is so hard for me, I’m not a photo person and hate spending extra time framing and getting the light right), I posted consistently, I tried making sure I did all the things so the google would like my posts. And I got burnt out because I was doing all the things I didn’t like to do.

Writing is my therapy. I’m sure I can make money with this, but I’m done trying. This blog is simply going to be one of my outlets, a way to release some stress. I do freelance writing for several clients and get paid from those. (Shameless plug – always interested in talking to potential new clients to see if we could work well together. If you have any friends in the publication world, I’d love to be connected). With that said, I’ve decided that just because I don’t get paid to do it, doesn’t make it worthless.

Time is such a precious commodity for all of us. I’m not holding myself to a schedule. I’m not promising to deliver google pleasing content. I’m promising myself that this page will be stress free. I’m not worrying about making it “pretty”. I’m simply going to write what is on my heart.

I love all of you that support me and appreciate you telling me what you enjoy about my writing (words of affirmation love language girl here!), but I’m not going to let the number of readers dictate what, when and why I post. Read it, don’t read it. Share it, don’t share it. I’ll love you either way.

For now, that’s all. Simply to say, I’m not giving a damn about the things that I don’t give a damn about. Happy 2023. I close most of the Grass and Grain columns I write with grace and patience. May we give grace and patience in all situations. And when we don’t, try the next time. Sayonara for now and grace and patience!