Featured Couple: Gary & Annette Schreiber

Our featured couple segment is a monthly thing! If you have a couple that you’d like to nominate, send us a message! It will be published the last Monday of every month.

Marriage is hard. Do I say that in every #MarriageMonday post? I think so because it’s so true! In a society that doesn’t value the sanctity of marriage, it can be difficult to find role models for our marriages. The featured couple segment is meant to give you a couple that you can follow if you don’t have any in your life.

Who Is the Featured Couple?

Gary and Annette Schreiber are my middle sister’s in laws. However, we have known them almost all our lives. They were our 4-H leaders when we joined.

What Do I Admire?

So they have been married for forever, like 41 years. They have three grown boys with wives and families of their own. They raised three amazing men. Gary and Annette are always giving and doing. Always. Never complaining.

The thing that makes me most happy about them is how they are always smiling, joking and laughing with each other. Kayla tells us stories of how funny they are together. They are willing to go and do anything for anybody.

You can often find them holding hands or have their arms around the other when out and about.

Marriage is hard work, but they make it look effortless. They facilitate pre-marriage classes. (If only they accepted non-Catholic couples!)

I’m sure life isn’t all sunshine and roses for them, but you could never tell. They choose joy over and over again. They choose to let God shine through them. They choose to spread all the love and compassion through the world.

If you have been touched by Gary and Annette, let them know! What’s your favorite memory of them? What do you love most about their marriage?

If you enjoyed reading this, we would love it if you would hit the share button and introduce us to your friends. You all are the reason we get to do this and we’re so appreciative of that! Please help us continue serving people by sharing us with your family and friends! Leave us a comment and let us know how this has impacted your life. It’s the little things that make me so happy to continue doing this, such as a like, comment or share! Have you subscribed to the page so new blogs will arrive in your email automatically? Go to our homepage to do so! Please and thank you! And remember: You are loved, you are worthy and you are enough!

~Matt & Kelsey

Featured Couple: Cecil & Kathy Stegman

Our featured couple segment is a monthly thing! If you have a couple that you’d like to nominate, send us a message! It will be published the last Monday of every month.

Marriage is hard. Do I say that in every #MarriageMonday post? I think so because it’s so true! In a society that doesn’t value the sanctity of marriage, it can be difficult to find role models for our marriages. The featured couple segment is meant to give you a couple that you can follow if you don’t have any in your life.

This month’s featured couple: Kathy and Cecil Stegman

How do I know them: Kathy and Cecil are family (ask somebody besides me to explain how). I can remember growing up on rainy days, Mom and Dad would load us girls up in to the van and we’d head to Kansas City to hang out with them. It always seemed like they lived such a glamorous life to this country girl. I always loved going to their house and the big city. Kathy has always been so amazing with us and Cecil is always full of ideas and knowledge.

Fun fact: My mom actually lived with them for a while in her younger days and then my middle older sister, Kayla, lived with them while she went to college. We call it the Stegman B&B. It’s always open and inviting for us!

What do I admire: Their humor. It seems like they’re always laughing about something and with each other. It’s fun to be around people that are happily married and in love and are laughing WITH each other.

Another thing I admire is how willing they are to share. Cecil always has the next great idea and is willing to help you get there. They both have years of knowledge about everything! They welcome us into their home and love on us at a moments notice.

My Favorite Story: Our wedding was in the middle of my grandma’s hayfield. We asked Cecil and his boys (grown adult men) to help with parking so it wasn’t just mass chaos. I asked them to help and let them orchestrate how they thought they needed. When we arrived, they had walkie talkies and had turned something boring like parking wedding guests into an exciting and funny adventure. I heard from several guests how much they enjoyed our parking attendants!

Their Marriage Advice: (This is all quoted directly from them) “For a long and happy marriage, I would say to be truthful, and when you are wrong say you’re sorry. Truthful is very hard because you might not want to tell some things that happened in the past or what secret family traits there are. The number one thing is financial can be a big hiccup you both need to be on the same page. Save as much money for your retirement.

It took me a long time to come to grips with how Cecil worried about bills and as time went on, I learned a value in saving and not buying what you can’t afford. We are still working on our marriage because you go through several different phases of life and things change. But I know we went on two different marriage retreats that helped us to become more open and understanding of each other.

Be truthful, money, and sometimes religion can play a big part.”

If you enjoyed reading this, we would love it if you would hit the share button and introduce us to your friends. You all are the reason we get to do this and we’re so appreciative of that! Please help us continue serving people by sharing us with your family and friends! Leave us a comment and let us know how this has impacted your life. It’s the little things that make me so happy to continue doing this, such as a like, comment or share! Have you subscribed to the page so new blogs will arrive in your email automatically? Go to our homepage to do so! Please and thank you! And remember: You are loved, you are worthy and you are enough!

~Matt & Kelsey