Working with Your Spouse

Have you dreamed about a day that you and your spouse could spend the days together? Build your own business, together? Work side by side, day in and day out. There are so many couples “making” it in the world and doing their own thing together.

My Forever and I are very lucky to be able to work together on his family’s farm. Both of us are full-time (I say full-time sarcastically because it’s about 100 plus hour per week gig) on the farm.

I’ve compiled a list of a few things that we do to make working together successful:

  1. Communication is so cliche, but for real.
  2. Refer back to Lierz’ Philosophy of Life in the Wild Wednesday category: Unmet expectations are the reason we get upset. For example, today (Sunday) is the day I write blogs for the week, plan meals, wash our bed and in general get ready for the week. Because we had a wedding yesterday and Matt didn’t get his list done, I helped in the shop. Middle afternoon, I had a conversation with Matt about what I needed done before going to sleep and when I was going to leave to get those things accomplished. An hour and half after my agreed upon leaving time, I was still there. He’s pitching in more than normal to ensure that I get done what I need to get done. My expectation to leave on time didn’t get met so I got a little angry. But, he’s going above and beyond to thank me for the extra time I spent with him to get his project near completion.
  3. Patience, again cliche, but real.
  4. Humor, laughing (in the moment or sometimes much later).
  5. Sex. I’ve said it a million times in the short time we’ve done this blog. It’s real hard to have sex twice or more a week when you’re mad at them all the time. Having the expectation of sex that often, forces us to work through our issues in real time.

This week is our anniversary week. Saturday we will celebrate six years of wedded bliss. This week is going to be focused on our story and how we got to where we are. Working together is a huge part of our lives!

How long have you and your spouse been married?

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