How To Make Life Happen to YOU!!

I’m a very firm believer that our life will happen to us if we don’t make it happen for us. If you don’t have a destination you’re wanting to go, you will go where others take you. Now for those of you, “life’s about the journey, not the destination” people, I also agree with you! But here’s the thing, the world needs YOU and your ideas. We are so busy with our lives and activities that we rarely get around to thinking about long term. Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years? What do you want to be doing? Where do you see yourself? What does your day look like? Who is with you?

I spent approximately two whole hot minutes in a MLM company. While I ultimately (and quickly) decided that it wasn’t for me, I learned 2 very important things from those few months.

The world is larger than I can imagine. There are a lot of people in the world. There is space for everyone’s ideas. There is money to be made on the internet. There are people living their dreams and purpose in life and aren’t “celebrity” status, but are making a huge difference in the lives of their “followers”. You don’t have to be famous to make a difference in the world. You need to find your tribe and spend time in it and nurturing it.
Podcasts! Call me whatever you want (naive, ridiculous, sheltered, etc), but my time in the MLM introduced me to podcasts. Now I can’t imagine a time that I didn’t know what they were. Seriously! So much free information out there about any and all subjects. I’m always looking for good podcast suggestions. What are your favorites ones? Maybe you don’t know what a podcast is or how to listen to one. Whichever end of the spectrum you’re on, please let me know in the comments! They have forever changed our lives and so grateful to the brief time I spent in that MLM so that I could learn these two things.

Do you have goals? Do you have a plan to accomplish those goals? Are you looking at them daily? If not, why? Kind of like our finances that we talked about Monday, if you don’t have a why for your life, life is going to happen to you, not for you. Don’t try to change several things at once. Do it gradually, make each thing you change into a habit before you moving on to changing the next thing. Give yourself grace! You deserve it! If you fall off the wagon, don’t quit!! Acknowledge what happened, how you can change it the next time and move on! The world needs you to be you. The world needs your ideas and trust me, there is room for it. You have to do it, no one else is going to do it for you. Don’t let a few tell you you’re not good enough or you don’t have what it takes. I’m telling you, you do! You can do it!

Starting a blog and sharing intimate details of my life and finding time to be consistent, isn’t easy, but guess what?! I LOVE writing. I want to help the struggling married couple that haven’t been communicating effectively. I want to share my farm life with you. I want to help get your finances to a happy place and not a stressful one!

Listen to me, dear friend, when I say you can do it! Do small steps towards your goals daily. Don’t try to do huge leaps and bounds in one day. Do it like a tortoise, slowly and surely. You will outdo the hare, if you take it one step at a time. If you ever need encouragement, please message me! I’m here for you and will believe in you. I have an amazing support team in my life, but I know how crushing and soil-wrenching it is when people doubt you. I will support you! Please don’t quit on your dreams. You can do it!!!